Graphic Design

Design & Marketing Materials:
Design service, registration forms, banners, marquesinas, name tags, animated banners for advertising, Material P.O.P, etc.

Interactive Invitations:
invitations by e-mail (Newsletters).

Web Development:
On-line strategies: Web page with the program, prices, schedule, location. Contact forms, register forms, interactive invitations. Marketing strategies with social networks and data recompilation.

brand indentity design:
We design the branding for your event (logo, papers and bulleting programs), and all the graphic elements as: posters, booklets, etc.

    Amberes 1era - Calle Cra. 41 N° 27-14
  • Tel: 035 - 6431323 - 035 - 6431497
    Movil: 310-6577792

About Copy Eventos

We are a company formed by dedicated professionals and trained in planning, coordinating and organizing all kinds of events and conventions.

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